Reinforcement of the Coffee and Cocoa sector : 100 million of equipment given to cooperatives


The Coffee and Cocoa cooperatives in the communities of Niablé, Gohitafla and Loboville will be able to increase their productions in the coming months. The Export Leader, Africa Sourcing started a donation tour which value amounted to FCFA 100 Million to the benefit of its cooperatives on the 11th, 13th and 14th of May 2016. The donations were composed of tricycles , motorbikes, high tech weigh scales, Wheelbarrows, modern grinding  machines, new boots, cocoa plants called ‘Mercedes’ and  phytosanitary products. According to the Purchasing Director of Africa Sourcing, these donations demonstrate the company social responsibility and its commitment to a dynamic and more professional cocoa farming industry in Ivory Coast.

<<It’s an expression of our responsibility to care for these farmers who are indeed our partners and to let them know how appreciative we are towards the efforts they display>> has he highlighted.

Furthermore, besides those agricultural equipment, the benefactor has implementedmany socialactions regarding education, public health and gender promotion. In fact, In the Locality of Indenié, the rural health center of Niablé was rewardedwith an important set of First aid drugs with over hundred impregnated mosquito nets,this was implemented, to support and contribute to the public health system of the community. In the region of Marahoué, the women of Gohitafla received ten (10) mobile grinding machines and ten (10) automatic cassava press machine, this added to the rehabilitation of a publicprimary school in the locality of Loboville.