Certification -Traceability – Farmers supports

The AFRICA SOURCING team as, former employee of ARMAJARO was a pioneer in Ivory Coast as related to RAINFOREST ALLIANCE certification programs and ICCO traceability. These programs referred to as ARMAJARO Sustainability Certified Cocoa (ASCC) and ARMAJARO Traceability of Ivorian Cocoa (ATIC) are reaching a vast network of cooperatives with more than 30 000 farmers spread all over the main areas of Cocoa productions (East, Center and West) and enabled us to export annual quantities reaching around 20 000 tons of certified cocoa beans in 2012. Today, this rich experience allows AFRICA SOURCING to be an undeniable expert in certification and traceability.

AFRICA SOURCING works in partnership with more than 100 cooperatives among which half are certified. We therefore completely endorse:

  • The certification of suppliers with the aim of improving the Ivorian production level and the native brand of our products.
  • The Ivorian Government and the CCC for a sustainable and responsible cocoa and coffee farming.
  • A total and complete support unto cooperatives providers of good and certified quality products in order to improve the Ivorian production sector.


